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Agate (General, All Types)
Red Jasper
Metaphysical Properties D - G
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Metaphysical Properties
SemiPrecious Stones
Semiprecious stones have been crafted into beads since early civilization. Formed when minerals were caught in cooling rocks and created veins, they are extracted from the rock by mining. The human need for beauty and self-adornment is as old as civilization itself. The belief in the magical properties of the stones used in adornment –attributes of peace, protection, and healing–is also ancient.
Semiprecious stones have been assigned to birth months, used as amulets and traded as currency as well as adornment in jewelry; and many are believed to have therapeutic properties which pass to the wearer. Gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires are rarely drilled to make beads as this detracts from there worth.
The stones and clays from which our beads are formed come from the mysterious depths of the earth all over the world. But whatever the varied geographical or geological origin of these beautiful, tactile objects—they bring a common delight to our eyes, our minds —and our souls.
The information regarding the metaphysical and other properties and purposes of minerals are provided for entertainment and inspirational purposes only. In no way is it intended for diagnosing illness, prescription, or advice and should not replace proper medical attention. Consult your Doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues. Creative Bead Designs is not liable for any use or misuse of this information.
Dalmatian Jasper
Natural Healers use Jaspers for Protection, to nurture and protect against negativity. Dalmatian Jasper is just the stone you need when you want a pick-me-up. Jasper helps us release our tendencies to over think or over analyze things. When you wear it, your mood lifts immediately. Make sure you wear it to places you are expecting to have a dull time.
Danburite is a crystalline mineral similar to topaz. its chemical formula is CaB2{SiO2}2. Hardness 7-7.5, S.G. 3.0. The mineral has an orthorhombic crystal form. It is named for Danbury, Connecticut, USA where it was first discovered
Danburite is associated with the crown chakra and also can enhance the functionality of all the chakras.
Danburite amplifies the properties and effects of other stones. It will open and release energy blockages, assisting healing on all levels. Thus it is an excellent healing stone. Danburite is also helpful in strengthening clarity and perceptiveness. It also lessens issues of self-pride as well as diminishing blockages.
Diamond is a stone that bonds relationships and enhances love. It brings longevity, particularly to relationships, balance, clarity and abundance. It can amplify one's thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. It gives one who wears or carries it courage and hope. Historically, crushed diamond has been used as a cure for many ailments. Diamond is associated with the crown chakra.
Dichroic Glass
Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass is popularly said to have no metaphysical properties.
Dioptase is an intense emerald-green to bluish-green copper cyclosilicate mineral. It is transparent to translucent. Its luster is vitreous to sub-adamantine. Its formula is CuSiO3·H2O (also reported as: CuSiO2(OH)2). It has a hardness of 5, the same as tooth enamel. It specific gravity is 3.28 - 3.35, and it has two perfect and one very good cleavage directions.
Additionally, dioptase is very fragile and specimens must be handled with great care. It is a trigonal mineral, forming 6-sided crystals that are terminated by rhombohedron’s. Dioptase is a rare mineral found mostly in desert regions were it forms as a secondary mineral in the oxidized zone of copper sulfide mineral deposits. However, the process of its formation is not simple, the oxidation of copper sulfides should be insufficient to crystallize dioptase as silica is normally minutely soluble in water except at highly alkaline pH. The oxidation of sulfides will generate highly acidic fluids rich in sulfuric acid that should suppress silica solubility. However, in dry climates and with enough time, especially in areas of a mineral deposit where acids are buffered by carbonate, minute quantities of silica may react with dissolved copper forming dioptase and chrysocolla.
Dioptase is a stone of healing that has a refreshing energy. It can help heal in many ways emotionally, including helping get one started clearing one's issues, and releasing negative emotions. It promotes healing from abuse, neglect, sadness, and despair.
Mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg (CO3)2. It is commonly crystalline and is white, gray, brown, or reddish in color with a vitreous to pearly luster. The magnesium is sometimes replaced in part by iron or manganese.
2 Carbonate rock composed chiefly of the mineral dolomite, similar to limestone but somewhat harder and heavier. The rock may be metamorphosed into dolomitic marble. Most dolomites probably originated from the partial replacement of the calcium in limestone by magnesium. Its chief uses are as a building stone, for the manufacture of refractory furnace linings, and as basic magnesium carbonate for pipe coverings. Formations of dolomite are very widespread (occurring in Europe, the United States, Africa, Brazil, and Mexico) and notably in the region of the Alps now called the Dolomites, where the rock was first studied by Dolomieu.
Dolomite is a gentle stone that encourages charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds, as well as receiving. It also encourages energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity, and manifestation.
Dumortierite (Blue Quartz)
Dumortierite (blue quartz) enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras/physical energy and the higher chakras/mental/spiritual energy. It highly reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner in one's own behalf.
Emerald, the green variety of beryl, of which aquamarine is the blue variety. Chemically, it is a beryllium-aluminum silicate whose color is due to small quantities of chromium compounds. The emerald was highly esteemed in antiquity; the stones were used for ornaments in early Egypt where some of the first emeralds were mined.
The finest emeralds are found in South America in Colombia, where they have been mined for over 400 years. The gem was a favorite in pre-Columbian Mexico and Peru, where it was cut in intricate designs. The treasure taken back to Spain by early explorers included emeralds. Good emeralds are the most highly valued of gem stones. India, Zimbabwe, and Australia are minor sources of the natural stones. Synthetic emeralds are also manufactured in Germany, France, and the United States. The Oriental emerald, a different gem, is the transparent green variety of corundum
Emerald is a stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication, and promotes truthfulness. Emerald is associated with the heart chakra.
Epidote is a calcium aluminium iron sorosilicate mineral, Ca2(Al, Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH), crystallizing in the monoclinic system. Well-developed crystals are of frequent occurrence: they are commonly prismatic in habit, the direction of elongation being perpendicular to the single plane of symmetry. The faces are often deeply striated and crystals are often twinned. Many of the characters of the mineral vary with the amount of iron present for instance, the color, the optical constants, and the specific gravity (3.33).
The hardness is 6.5. The color is green, grey, brown or nearly black, but usually a characteristic shade of yellowish-green or pistachio-green. The pleochroism is strong, the pleochroic colors being usually green, yellow and brown. Clinozoisite is white or pale rose-red variety containing very little iron, thus having the same chemical composition as the orthorhombic mineral zoisite.
Epidote is a stone of increase. Epidote has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is a stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth. It cleanses repressed emotions once and for all. It opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth, and those drawn to epidote are being rocked forcefully into spiritual awakening.
Euclase is called the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving communication skills. Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.
Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically, eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems, pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.
Faden Quartz
Faden crystals (pronounced "FAH-den") is a rare formation of crystal in which there are inclusions of one or more white thread-like fibrous line formations. The Faden line is visible withint the crystal structure because it is surrounded by fluid filled or gaseous chambers or is possibly missing a molecule of oxygen. Faden crystals enhance connections of all types, including attunement between one and another. They are good for astral travel and travel on alternate dimensions. Fadens help with physical, mental and emotional stability.
Fairy Quartz
Fairy Quartz is a fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a light coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field, including the groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation. Physically, Fairy Quartz is used for detoxifying the body and tissues, removing pain, and overall healing.
Fire Agate
Fire Agate is a layered stone. The layers are small enough that light entering them forms interference colors known as "fire." The gem is thought to be formed when hot water saturated with colloidal silica and iron oxide invades cavities in country rock and begin to cool. Chalcedony with iron oxide begins to grow on any available surface (the iron oxide gives the basic brown color to the gem). As the solutions began to precipitate and grow layers of silica and iron oxide would be deposited depending on the relative level of those elements in solution and underlying conditions. These alternating silica and iron oxide layers (Schiller layers) cause the brilliant fire in the gem. As iron oxide ran out in the solution colorless chalcedony continued to grow.
Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Mystical lore says that it relieves fears, halts gossip and even reflects any threat of harm back to the source. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression. It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It also balances masculine (active) and feminine (receptive) energies. It is also said that it can take the edge off the emotional charge of problems. Fire agate is often used in spells to increase skills in communication in writing and speaking. It can also heighten creative visualization. Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate enhances all healing energies, and assists with healing of the circulatory system, lymph system, intestines.
fluorite (flu'?rit) or fluorspar (flu'?rspär) , mineral appearing in various colors, e.g., green, yellow-brown, rose, and red. Chemically, it is calcium fluoride, CaF2. Its crystals, commonly cubic, are transparent or translucent and under certain conditions exhibit fluorescence. The mineral also occurs in granular and massive forms. Fluorite is found in various parts of the world, especially in England, Germany, Mexico, and in Kentucky and Illinois in the United States. Its chief use is as a flux in metallurgy, but it is also employed in the preparation of hydrofluoric acid and in the manufacture of opal glass and enamel; some of its colorless crystals are used for making lenses and prisms.
Fluorite is used to purify and detoxify both the spirit and places. It is often recommended placed around computers and the workplace to reduce stress and relieve negative forces.
Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it helps general health throughout the body's main skeletal and muscular systems. All colors are also good for auric cleansing.
Fossils can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.
Fuschite is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.
Gaia Stone
Gaia Stone is green obsidian from volcanish ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's, and carries strong Earth energy, even the "soul of the Earth." Gaia Stone enhances Goddess connection, connection with Earth and Earth devas. It also brings prosperity. Gaia Stone is especially good for self-healing emotional wounds and past traumas. Gaia Stone is primarily associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to harmonize all the chakras.
Galaxite, or Galaxyite, is a micro-labradorite with intense energy. It is sometimes known as the "aura stone" because one of its most noticable energetic characteristics is that of protecting, cleansing, and balancing the aura. It can protect the aura also by stopping energy leakages. Galaxite is also a stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral travel and astral projection. It can also assist in contacting beings from other dimensions and planes. Physically, galaxite is helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses. Galaxite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.
Galena is a primary source of lead, and as such is not recommended for internal use such as making gem elixirs. It is, though, a "stone of harmony" and brings healing, calmness, efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. It has been known to decrease inflammations and skin eruptions, and help with circulation problems and hair growth. Carried in a medicine bag or pocket, though, it has grounding properties.
The name "garnet" comes from the Latin granatus, a grain possibly in reference to malum garanatum (pomegranate) a plant with red seeds similar in shape, size and color to some garnet crystals.
There is a misconception that garnets are a red gem but in fact they come in a wide variety of colors including purple, red, orange, yellow, green, brown, black, or colorless. The lack of a blue garnet was remedied in 1998 following the discovery of color-change blue to red/pink material in Bekily, Madagascar, These stones are very rare. Color-change garnets are by far the rarest garnets except uvarovite, which does not come in cuttable sizes. In daylight, their color can be shades of green, beige, brown, gray and rarely blue, to a reddish or purplish/pink color in incandescent light. By composition, these garnets are a mix of spessartine and pyrope, as are Malaya garnets.
The color change of these new garnets is often more intense and more dramatic than the color change of top quality Alexandrite which is frequently disappointing, but still sells for many thousands of dollars (US) per carat. It is expected that blue color-change garnets will match Alexandrite prices or even exceed them as the color change is often better and these garnets are much rarer. The blue color-change type is mainly caused by relatively high amounts of vanadium (about 1 wt.% V2O3).
Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is used in metaphysics to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said to bring positive thoughts and boosts energy, and be excellent for manifestation. It can also assist mystically with success in one's career and building one's self-confidence. It is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil, and is used for gentle spiritual healing. Lore says that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with other chakras depending on its color.
Gaspeite is a recently discovered stone in the western hemisphere, found in 1966 and was initially a discarded byproduct of nickel sulfide mining. Emotionally, it reduces distress and brings assurance. It also reduces ignorance, particularly emotional ignorance. It also helps attracts friends and friendship. Aboriginals use gaspeite to bring visions and grant success. Metaphysically, gaspeite is best known for helping to bring spirituality into every day life. It brings good fortune and helps prevent loss. Physically gaspeite has been used for heart problems, lungs, andgallbladder. Gaspeite is primarily related to the heart chakra.
Girasol is a stone of gentle but powerful energy. It can enhance and mirror feelings. This makes it excellent for visualization, imagination, dreamwork, and guided direction of energy. Girasol enhances communication skills including freely speaking thoughts you've been holding back. Girasol encourages and enhances creativity in the artistic and practical areas. It is also a powerful healing stone that works in a strong but gentle way to enhance healing on all levels. Girasol is particularly helpful for metabolic disorders like diabetes and others, and fatigue and chronic fatigue.
Glendonite (Glendenite)
Glendonite is a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding . It supports the learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to understand terms. Because of this, it may help discover one's life purpose. Physically glendenite helps heal broken bones, abrasions, regenerates cells, and makes teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as a stone that helps make a loving home and good family life.
 Gold is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Au (L. aurum) and atomic number 79. A soft, shiny, yellow, heavy, malleable, ductile (trivalent and univalent) transition metal, gold does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine, fluorine and aqua regia. The metal occurs as nuggets or grains in rocks and in alluvial deposits and is one of the coinage metals.
Gold is used as a monetary standard for many nations and is also used in jewelry, dentistry, and in electronics. Its ISO currency code is XAU.
While the 14 Karat gold filled jewelry is not solid gold, the gold in the gold filled wire can still have an energetic impact.
Traditional folklore and crystal healing metaphysical lore say the following about gold. Gold can balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third eye and crown chakras. It can also balance the heart chakra. It can remove negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones it is with. It has been used to bring wealth, happiness and good feelings. Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature. It attracts positive energy and is a great healing mineral.
Gold Reef Quartz
Gold Reef Quartz is a combination of clear quartz and chlorite. The quartz brings high energy and chlorite is a very power healing mineral. Gold Reef Quartz is good for crystal healing layouts, warding off psychic attack, warding or guarding an environment. They are excellent healing stones, and are helpful for healing on all levels. Gold Reef Quartz can also help diminish and remove anger, frustration, and hostility.
Golden Healer Quartz Crystal
Golden Healer crystals are excellent for crystal healing, and are said to be helpful when used in any healing situation. Golden Healers also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras and balance yin/yang energies.
Goshenite is colorless beryl. It is a stone of truthfulness that encourages truth in all actions and particularly in giving one's word. Goshenite bring self-control, creativity, and originality. It makes communication easier and can stabilize relationships. Goshenite is used for healing the leg muscles.
Green Calcite
Green Calcite: This stone is a pastel green colored variety of calcite, a mineral family that comes in a variety of colors. It is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3. Green Calcite is found in China, the USA and Mexico.
Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say Green Calcite is one of the softest, most gently healing stones. It is said to emanate a mild vibration which facilitates calming & relaxation, balancing the emotions, and to be an excellent tool for re-centering and bringing tranquility to the emotional body.
Green calcite increases success, prosperity, business, and fertility of all kinds. It is an excellent stone for gardening. It is also considered a stone of manifestation because of it's ability to develop increase in all areas. Green calcite enhances intuition and psychic abilities. In the physical realm, green calcite benefits the heart, thymus, chest, shoulders, and lower lungs, heartburn, nervous tics, stammering, neurosis, arthritis and joint pain, kidney, bladder, general pain. Green calcite is also especially beneficial for healing tumors and other malignancies.
Green Millennium
Green Millennium is a stone of balance and harmony in changing times. It can help bring a state of emotionally detached focus, and creates a feeling of safety, allowing healing and balance of one's deepest fears which are exacerbated by changing times. It strengthens the immune system, repairs holes in the aura, helps with addictions, nightmares, anxiety, loss of focus, digestion of emotionally troubling experiences. Carrying a piece of the rough stone or a polished piece in the pocket will be helpful to start the process of bringing cohesive energy flow to ones life.
Gyrolite often forms nodular aggregates. These aggregates can appear glassy, dull or even fiberous. Unlike other similar looking minerals (such as prehnite or smithsonite), gyrolite usually forms individual nodules as opposed to botryoidal or crustal growths. The aggregate nodules can often accompany many fine and rare minerals such as apophyllite, okenite and many of the zeolites. Much gyrolite forms inside of volcanic bubbles called vesicles and can only add another element to the surreal "landscape" inside.
Gyrolite is a mineral that has particularly positive effects on the metaphysical properties of other minerals by activating them and cleansing them. It is used to connect the physical body with the auric bodies. Gyrolite is good for meditation and is said to bring the wisdom of ancient civilizations, insight, willpower, and stability. It is also said to assist with self-confidence, as well as overcome excessive introversion and addictive behaviors. Mystical and Healing Lore purports that gyrolite helps align the spine, assimilation of calcium, cellular maintenance, bone structure, acupuncture, and emotional healing.
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